This number is indicative of the risk of the product, with 1/6 indicating low risk and 6/6 high risk.
Unicaja Banco, S.A. is a member of the Deposit Guarantee Fund for Credit Institutions created by Royal Decree-Law 16/2011, of 14 October, covering a maximum amount of €100,000 (or, in the case of deposits not denominated in euros, the equivalent in the relevant currency) per depositor and credit institution.
Risk score related to the account
Fully online application
Opening the Unicaja Online Account is very easy and can only be done online in six steps that will take you just a few minutes. Join Unicaja and enjoy more exclusive benefits!
No fees
This account has no maintenance or administration fees, not even for making ordinary transfers².
Cashback on your bills³
Get up to €100 a year. If you get your salary directly deposited into your account, we reimburse you 1% of your main bills (water, gas, electricity and telecommunications).
No need for a salary
Just for being a new Unicaja online customer.
Informative documents Online Account
You must be over 18 years of age, reside in Spain and be a new customer to subscribe this account. Any natural person who has not had any Unicaja Banco service and/or product in the last 12 months will be deemed a "new customer".
This account is solely for the use of individuals and you must confirm this is the case. If you are self-employed, you may not use it for your professional affairs.
If you directly debit your main bills (water, gas, electricity or telecommunications) to the Online Account, you will obtain a 1% cashback of their amounts. These reimbursements will be paid into your account and can add up to at most €100 a year.
In order to be able to verify you are really you without requiring you to go to a branch, we perform a video identification process.
You just need to ensure that the device you are using to perform your Online account's subscription is equipped with a camera.
During the video identification phase you must show:
Easy-to-read small print:
(1) Exclusive terms and conditions for new online customers who are natural persons and for new registrations. For these purposes, any natural person who has not had any Unicaja Banco service and/or product in the last 12 months will be deemed a "new customer". Only one Online Account per customer is allowed. 0% APR, 0% AER without interest
(2) Exemption from transfer fees for non-urgent euro-denominated transfers between payment accounts of customers located in the SEPA made on the Unicaja Electronic Banking service, Mobile Banking service or its ATM network. Immediate transfers and Fund Movement Orders, also known as FMOs, made through the Bank of Spain are excluded from this exemption.
(3) Bonificación de adeudos domiciliados de la cuenta. Unicaja beneficiará la Cuenta Online bonificando los siguientes adeudos domiciliados: agua, electricidad, telecomunicaciones y gas, a condición de que, además, tras el adeudo en esta cuenta, no sean devueltos. Esta bonificación consistirá en un importe que será el que resulte aplicar el 1,00% a la suma de los importes de los adeudos domiciliados y cargados en la cuenta, en cada periodo de liquidación de intereses de la misma. Este importe, cuando proceda, será abonado en esta cuenta, el sábado inmediatamente posterior a la fecha de la liquidación de intereses. La bonificación máxima anual será de cien (100) euros, por lo que, en ningún caso la suma de los sucesivos abonos por esta bonificación puede superar los cien euros al año. Si abonada la bonificación, se produjera la devolución de alguno de los adeudos domiciliados, Unicaja quedará facultada para adeudar en la cuenta o en cualquier otra de la que el CLIENTE sea titular en esta entidad, incluso solidariamente con otros titulares, la parte proporcional del importe de la bonificación que corresponda a los adeudos domiciliados devueltos. Bonificación no acumulable con otras promociones similares.
La bonificación de los recibos domiciliados están sujetos a tributación y tienen la consideración de rendimientos del capital mobiliario obtenidos por la cesión a terceros de capitales propios en virtud del artículo 25.2 de la Ley 35/2006 del IRPF. Se encuentran, en virtud de los artículos 74.1 y 75.1 del Reglamento del IRPF, sujetos a retención a cuenta, al tipo de retención vigente.
(4) Incentivo por domiciliación nómina o pensión: Para aquellas personas mayores de edad y primer titular de la cuenta de Unicaja en la que domicilien la nómina o pensión de entre 800 e inferiores a 2.000 € (siendo de 150€ la bonificación neta) o igual o superior a 2.000 € (siendo de 400 € la bonificación neta), se adhieran a la promoción que se inicia el 1 de octubre y finaliza el 31 de enero de 2025. Para clientes que firmen compromiso de permanencia en la entidad de 24 meses ininterrumpidos, será necesario que aquella nómina o pensión no estuviera domiciliada en la Entidad en los doce meses anteriores a la firma del documento de adhesión. El incentivo está sujeto a tributación y tiene la calificación fiscal de rendimientos de capital mobiliario dinerario obtenidos por la cesión a terceros de capitales propios, en virtud del art. 25.2 de la vigente Ley 35/2006 del IRPF. Unicaja practicará retención e ingreso a cuenta del IRPF, en virtud del artículo 74.2 del RIRPF, sin repercutirse el coste de dicho ingreso al cliente. El cliente deberá adherirse a la promoción y tendrá 6 meses para cumplir los requisitos. Consulta bases y requisitos de la promoción aquí.
(5) Promoción de la devolución del 5% mensual del importe total de compras en comercios realizadas con Bizum o con una tarjeta de crédito de uso particular de las incluidas en la promoción, durante 12 meses a contar desde la inscripción a la promoción, con un máximo de 10 € mensuales. La promoción se inicia el 1 de octubre y finaliza el 31 de enero de 2025. Para clientes que se adhieran a la misma mediante la firma del Documento de Adhesión-Compromiso de Permanencia. Las operaciones anuladas y devueltas, así como aquellas realizadas en casas de apuestas, no computa. La devolución del incentivo se realizará en la cuenta asociada a la tarjeta de crédito. Dispones de 6 meses desde la adhesión para cumplir los requisitos de la promoción. Consulta bases y requisitos de la promoción aquí.
(6) Debit card without any issuance or maintenance fees. Debit cash withdrawals without any fees for using the card at ATMs belonging to the following networks at these provinces:
Valid until 31 December 2024. The fee will always be displayed prior to the cash withdrawal so you can either accept or cancel the transaction. Three debit cash withdrawals per card and month without any minimum amount with Young Debit cards. EURO 6000 institutions include: Abanca, Novo Banco, Ibercaja, Kutxabank, Cajasur, Evo Banco, Cecabank, Caja de Ontinyent, Colonya Caixa Pollensa and Cardtronics.
(7) Temporary renewable annual, multi-year or single-premium insurance taken out with Unicorp Vida (accident or life-risk insurance), Caser (car, health, dental, multi-risk home, payment protection, pet, hunting, comprehensive rental, funeral or accident insurance), Santa Lucía (funeral insurance) and/or Unión Duero Vida (life-risk insurance) mediated through Unimediación, S.L.U., a related banking-insurance operator, duly registered at the Special Administrative Registry of Insurance Brokers kept by the Directorate-General of Insurance and Pension Funds (Registration No. OV-0010), acting through the Unicaja Banco, S.A. network. Third-party liability insurance taken out according to prevailing legislation. You can query the insurance companies Unimediación, S.L.U. has entered into agency agreements with at The insurance policies' coverage is subject to the General and Specific Terms and Conditions of the policies taken out.
(8) Credit meant for consumers who are natural persons solely for the payment of their insurance premiums. Terms and conditions valid until 31 January 2025. Nominal annual interest rate: 0.00%. AER: 0.000%. Based on a typical example of a Uni Insurance Plan credit of €1,500.00 granted, the total amount of which has been drawn down as of the first day the contract is in force with a regular fixed monthly repayment method over twelve months, in which the customer would pay twelve monthly instalments of €125.00, the total amount owed being €1,500.00. The existence of further drawdowns from the Uni Insurance Plan credit in this period or payment incidents are not envisaged in this example. Multi-year or single premium policies can be financed for 12 months or up to the single-premium period for at most 36 months.
Online subscription terms and conditions
You can get in touch with us on the following numbers to correct any mistakes made when entering the data during the process: 900 151 948 or 952 07 62 63.
Once the contract has been entered into, the documents will be stored in our systems. You can exercise your rights of access, rectification, elimination, objection, restriction to processing and portability, as well as not to be subject to automated decision-making and profiling, by sending written notice thereof to the Unicaja Customer Service Office, which is located at Avenida de Andalucía, 10-12, Malaga (Post Code: 29007), or by sending an e-mail to
The contract will be entered into in Spanish.
The contract must be signed on the same day as we place it at your disposal on the signature platform, otherwise the subscription process will expire.