You decide in what and how to invest

Invest your savings on the basis of the goals you are pursuing. Choose the fund that suits your investor profile best. In addition, you can make regular contributions from Digital Banking.

No enrollment fee

Access the financial market without incurring any initial costs upon subscribing your investment fund.

Redeem your investment at any time (1)

Liquidity: you can redeem your investment at any time, whenever you need it.

Tax benefits (2)

Funds are only taxed upon redemption: transfer your investment from one fund to another tax free.

Subscribe your investment fund online in three steps on the Digital Banking service


Open a fund account

If you do not have a fund account at Unicaja, log in to your Digital Banking and press "Subscribe" on the menu. Then select "Fund Account"(*). Follow the steps to sign your fund account contract.


Go to the search engine

If your fund account is active, press "Savings and Investment", choose the fund account you wish to operate with and press "Subscription". The fund search engine will open, allowing you to query the entire Unicaja catalogue.


Subscribe fund

Select the fund that interests you most by pressing "Subscribe". Then choose whether you wish to subscribe the fund by number of units or for a certain amount, and indicate the amount. Press "Continue". Once you have read the legal documents and marked them as having been read, enter the code we will send you to your mobile phone.

Query our fund catalogue

You decide in what and how to invest from among over 100 investment funds. Query our fund catalogue by returns, currencies, categories and geographic areas...

Frequently asked questions about investment funds

What is an investment fund?

Funds are investment products that pool the contributions made by different people (or unitholders), who are seeking returns on their savings.



The fund's capital is managed by a company which can invest it in a broad range of assets in order to earn returns on said contributions made by the unitholders, such as:



- Financial assets (currencies, shares, bonds, etc.).


- Non-financial assets (real estate, raw materials, etc.).


More about what an investment fund is.

What do I need to subscribe a fund at Unicaja?

In order to subscribe an investment fund through our Digital Banking service, you will need to be a Unicaja customer, have access to the Digital Banking service and open your fund account, which allows you to subscribe the fund that interests you most.


Find out more about how to subscribe an investment fund.

How is a fund transferred?

An investment fund transfer consists of redeeming a fund and subscribing another fund immediately thereafter, regardless of whether they are from the same or different management companies.



The capital thus transferred will not be subject to taxation and will only be taxed at the time of effective sale.


Find out how to make an investment fund transfer.

What tax benefits do investment funds have?

In the case of natural persons, investment fund unitholders will not pay any taxes until their investment is redeemed. Transfers between investment funds are exempted from taxation.


Further information on investment fund taxation.

How can I redeem my funds subscribed through Unicaja?

You can redeem a Unicaja investment fund directly on the Digital Banking service, the Unicaja app or by going to any of our branches.

How can I find out what are the best investment funds for me?

You can go to any Unicaja branch, where they will conduct a Suitability Test to choose the investment funds that best suit your investor profile.

How can I calculate the expenses and fees I will be charged for subscribing investment funds through Unicaja?

The fees for investment funds are set forth in the Explanatory Leaflet and in the Costs and Incentives Report, which you can find within the legal information associated to each specific fund.

Can I redeem the money in my investment fund whenever I need it?

You can dispose of the investment whenever you need it without any kind of penalty. The risk of losing capital may increase if a divestment is made before the recommended time frame.

MIFID Policies

In this section you can access the different policies adopted by Unicaja to offer you the most appropriate protection within the framework of the new regulations on financial instruments markets, as well as information on them. 

Can we help you?

Call us on 900 151 948

Other means of contacting us.

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Digital Banking

Access your Unicaja accounts and products from your computer. The perfect tool to manage your daily finances.   


Mobile Banking

Instant access to your Unicaja accounts and products. Consult and start banking, wherever you are.