- Potentially lower returns Potentially higher returns +
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
  • 6
  • 7
  • Low risk
  • High risk

Category "1" does not mean that the investment is risk-free. This data is indicative of the funds' risk but may, however, not be a reliable indication of their future risk profile. Furthermore, there is no guarantee that the categories thus indicated will remain unchanged and they may vary over time. The investment's value depends on the market value of the investment fund's assets and may lead to significant losses. Accepting a higher level of risk is necessary to have the chance of obtaining greater returns. Past performance is not indicative of future results.


Responsible investment

In companies that prevent pollution, have implemented proper waste management, have non-discriminatory employment practices and take part in the development of deprived regions.


Exclusion criteria

Funds which does not invest in companies that harm the environment, finance the arms trade or violate human dignity.



Manage your investment funds more quickly using our Digital Banking service.


Tax benefits*

Personal income tax only becomes due when your investment funds are redeemed.

A sustainable fund and with target return? Yes, we've got one

Fondos de Inversión Socialmente Responsables de Unicaja Banco

Investing and social responsibility go hand in hand

Investing and social responsibility are two notions that go hand in hand at Unicaja thanks to its socially responsible funds.


Investment funds that are adapted to your investment preferences, but which are also committed to caring for the environment and people.

The investment's value depends on the market value of the investment fund's assets and may lead to significant losses. Accepting a higher level of risk is necessary for the chance of obtaining greater returns. Past performance is not indicative of future results. The sustainability and ESG (environmental, social and governance) risks that the fund's underlying assets may be exposed to are taken into account in the investment selection process. The investments' sustainability risk will depend, among other factors, on the type of issuer, the sector of activity or their geographical location. Hence, any investments that are exposed to a higher sustainability risk may lead to a fall in the underlying assets' price and therefore negatively affect the fund's net asset value.

Find out about our sustainable investment funds

Invest in an investment fund committed to caring for the environment and people. We have up to 16 sustainable investment funds, thereby allowing you to choose the one that best fits in with your needs.

Unifond Conservador FI de Unicaja Banco

Unifond Conservador FI

It seeks to make a positive contribution to society and minimise environmental impacts due to its low carbon footprint.

View Fondo Unifond Conservador FI
Unifond Moderado FI de Unicaja Banco

Unifond Moderado FI

It implements a flexible allocation policy that includes fixed-income securities, variable-income securities and currencies in international markets.

View Fondo Unifond Moderado FI
Unifond Dinámico FI de Unicaja Banco

Unifond Dinámico FI

It invests in sustainable growth, such as financing clean technology solutions.

View Fondo Unifond Dinámico FI
Liberbank Europa Opportunities FI de Unicaja Banco

Unifond Renta Variable Europa Selección FI

It applies a flexible strategy, principally in European variable-income securities.

View Unifond Renta Variable Europa Selección FI
Liberbank Global Macro FI de Unicaja Banco

Unifond Global Macro FI¹

It promotes environmental aspects that may include efficient toxic emission and waste management.

View Fondo Unifond Global Macro FI
Liberbank Multi-Manager FI de Unicaja Banco

Unifond Multi-Manager FI¹

It implements a flexible allocation policy in the international variable and fixed-income securities markets.

View Fondo Unifond Multi-Manager FI
Liberbank Megatendencias FI de Unicaja Banco

Unifond Megatendencias FI

It seeks to invest in companies and issuers that contribute to the sustainability aspects pursued by the fund.

View Fondo Unifond Megatendencias FI
Liberbank Bonos Global FI de Unicaja Banco

Unifond Bonos Global FI¹

It fosters environmental aspects that may include efficient toxic emission and waste management.

View Fondo Unifond Bonos Global FI
Liberbank Solidario FI de Unicaja Banco

Unifond Solidario FI

It promotes aspects like involvement in society and respect for and defence of human rights.

View Fondo Unifond Solidario FI
Liberbank Income FI de Unicaja Banco

Unifond Income FI¹

It promotes social aspects that may include effective sustainability outreach initiatives.

View Fondo Unifond Income FI
Unifond Gestión Prudente FI de Unicaja Banco

Unifond Gestión Prudente FI

It combines environmental, social and governance (ESG) aspects when selecting securities.

View Fondo Unifond Gestión Prudente FI
Unifond Mixto Renta Variable FI de Unicaja Banco

Unifond Mixto Renta Variable FI

It seeks to make a positive contribution to society and also minimise environmental impacts due to its low carbon footprint.

View Fondo Unifond Mixto Renta Variable FI
Unifond Ahorro de Unicaja Banco

Unifond Ahorro FI

Investment in companies and issuers which contribute to the sustainability characteristics promoted by the fund through environmental, social and governance management.

View Fondo Unifond Ahorro FI
Unifond Patrimonio de Unicaja Banco

Unifond Patrimonio FI

Investment in companies and issuers whose management of ESG issues meets very stringent good practice standards.

View Fondo Unifond Patrimonio FI
Unifond Renta Variable USA FI de Unicaja Banco

Unifond Renta Variable USA FI

Invests in companies and issuers which promote, among other matters, toxic emission reductions and workers' rights, along with good governance criteria.

View Fondo Unifond Renta Variable USA FI
Unifond Renta Fija a Corto Plazo FI de Unicaja Banco

Unifond Renta Fija a Corto Plazo FI

The fund's management incorporates ESG criteria in investment decision-making in order to promote environmental and/or social characteristics.

View Fondo Unifond Renta Fija a Corto Plazo FI

How can I subscribe a Unicaja sustainable fund?

If you are customer, press Access to access your Digital Banking service and select the fund you prefer.

Cornerstones of our Socially Responsible Investment Funds



Funds committed to natural resources, environmental opportunities, waste management or combatting climate change.


Social Criteria

Ranging from promoting respect for human rights, gender equality, decent work and workers' development to fostering literacy policies.


Corporate Governance

Companies that behave in a responsible manner.

Frequently asked questions about Socially Responsible Investment Funds

What are Socially Responsible Investment Funds (SRIF)?

Socially responsible investment funds are funds which invest in companies and projects that take into account environmental, social and governance (ESG) criteria in their business operations and strategies, thus promoting a positive impact on society and the environment.

How do Socially Responsible Investment Funds work?

SRIFs work just like any other investment fund, but they apply an ESG approach when it comes to selecting their assets. These funds can invest in shares, bonds and assets, to mention but a few, provided they meet the ESG criteria set by the fund.

What are Unicaja's MiFID Policies?

These are the different policies set by Unicaja to offer you the most suitable protection within the framework of the new legislation on financial instrument markets, along with information on them.

Do I need a fund account to be able to subscribe?

Yes, you do. If you do not have one, you can easily open one on your Digital Banking service in the Subscribe section.

Are you interested in other funds?

Catálogo de Fondos de Inversión de Unicaja Banco

Investment funds catalogue

We place our complete investment fund catalogue at your disposal, which is organised by categories, risk levels and geographic areas. We also provide you with all the information so you can be in control over your investments.

Can we help you?

Also at 952 076 263 or through the contact form.

Our telephone service hours are Monday to Saturday from 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. (except national holidays).

We also put other contact methods at your disposal: