If you are between 30 and 37 years of age
Uniplan with you 2054
- It's just right for you if your retirement age is around 2054.
- Risk-tolerant profile (5/7 Risk level).
This information describes the risk of the Pension Scheme and may vary over time. It is calculated on the basis of simulated data that, however, may not be considered to constitute a reliable indication of the future risk profile of the Scheme. The risk profile information of each Scheme is available at Unicaja Pension Plans Catalogue. The scale of risk of the pension schemes promoted ranges from 1 to 7.
Collecting the pension payments or exercising the redemption right is only possible in the case of any of the contingencies or exceptional liquidity cases governed by the regulations on Pension Schemes and Funds taking place.
The value of the mobilisation fees, of the pension payments and the exceptional cases of liquidity depend on the market value of the Pension Fund assets and this may cause relevant losses.
Secure your retirement
In order to continue enjoying the same standard of living when you retire.
You decide
Decide the amount and periodicity of the contributions you wish to make.
Take advantage of the tax benefits¹ granted to your contributions.
Adapted to you
Choose the plan that best suits your investor profile.
You can choose depending on your age or, if you prefer, in keeping with your commitment to sustainability.
If you are between 30 and 37 years of age
Uniplan with you 2054
If you are between 38 and 45 years of age
Uniplan with you 2046
If you are between 46 and 53 years of age
Uniplan with you 2038
If you are between 54 and 61 years of age
Uniplan with you 2030
If you are 30 years old or more and want to care for the planet
Sustainable pension plan
Of interest for you
How much can i contribute to my Pension Plan this year?
Pension plans are a single-purpose financial product which, aside from allowing one to save for one's retirement, provides tax benefits in its accumulation period by reducing the taxable base each year as contributions are being made.
Pension Plan Guide
The Law makes it very easy to identify whether or not a financial product is a pension plan. It is mandatory for two key words to appear in the product's name: namely, "pension plan". If they do not appear, it is not a pension plan.
(1) The tax benefit indicated is general and may be subject to future changes in tax legislation.
Documents containing essential data for the holder of all pension plans are available for download and consultation in the Pension Plan Catalogue, The sponsors of said pension plans are: Unicorp Vida, Cía. de Seguros and Reaseguros, S.A./Unicaja Banco, S.A. and Unión del Duero Compañía de Seguros de Vida, S.A. Management companies: Unicorp Vida, Cía. de Seguros and Reaseguros, S.A. and Unión del Duero Compañía de Seguros de Vida, S.A. Depository agent: CECABANK, S.A. Broker: Unimediación, S.L.U. through the Unicaja Banco, S.A. network.
Can we help you?
Also at 952 076 263 or through the contact form.
Our telephone service hours are Monday to Saturday from 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. (except national holidays).