1 / 6

This number is indicative of the risk of the product, with 1/6 indicating low risk and 6/6 high risk.

Unicaja Banco, S.A. is a member of the Deposit Guarantee Fund for Credit Institutions created by Royal Decree-Law 16/2011, of 14 October, covering a maximum amount of €100,000 (or, in the case of deposits not denominated in euros, the equivalent in the relevant currency) per depositor and credit institution.

Risk score related to the account.

Basic payment account

You may perform the most common operations if you fulfil the subscription requisites

Account for natural persons, for private use(1)

This account may only be held by natural persons who are legally resident in the European Union, as well as asylum applicants or persons who do not hold a resident’s permit, but whose expulsion is not possible for de jure or de facto reasons, who do not hold a payment account in Spain.

A basic account for common operations

This allows the following operations to be performed: opening, use and closing an account, deposits, transfers (including permanent orders), bill standing orders, cash withdrawal at branches or automatic tellers in the EU, and making payments with debit or prepaid cards, including online payments. 


Requisites for subscription

You cannot hold a payment account with a payment service provider that allows you to make use of the admitted services that are listed below and it may only be contracted(1) by natural persons who are consumers with a purpose other than their commercial, entrepreneurial, trade or professional activity:

  • Legal residents of the European Union.
  • Asylum applicants or
  • Persons without a resident’s permit, but whose expulsion is not possible for de jure or de facto reasons.


To subscribe the basic payment account, there is no obligation to acquire another product or service, except for the electronic banking service, including the debit or prepayment card.

Account services

The holders may only use the following services and payment operations:

  • Opening, using and closing the account.
  • Deposits in the account.
  • Withdrawing cash from the branch or from automatic tellers in the EU.
  • EU transfers, including permanent orders.
  • Standing orders for bills or direct debits.
  • Payment operations by debit or prepaid card, including online payments.
  • The client shall not receive a chequebook or promissory notes and the account does not allow account overdrafts to be generated, nor any withdrawal that gives rise to a debit balance. 

Subscription process

The required documentation to open a basic payment account is as follows:

  1. Client with legal residence in the EU including those without fixed abode: They must submit their identity document (National Identity Card, passport or resident’s card).
  2. Asylum Seeker: Must produce their asylum seeker’s card.
  3. Clients who do not have a resident’s permit but whose expulsion is impossible for de jure or de facto reasons: In addition to their passport, the client must provide a document to prove that status.


To be able to open the Basic Payment Account, you may go to any of our offices at Unicaja, where we will be pleased to attend you.


If you prefer, you may also apply for the Basic Payment Account by filling in the subscription form and stating which branch you want to process it at. We shall contact you shortly.


Remember that, if you have any doubts or queries, you may call our customer care service +34 952 07 62 63.

Charges and commissions

Non-remunerated account, annual creditor interest rate 0.00 %(2)


Account maintenance commission: 36 €/year (3 euros per month).

The account liquidation is performed on a monthly basis.

The client may perform up to one hundred and twenty (120) payment operations each year within the European Union consisting of standing orders and transfers, even those performed by permanent orders, at the Unicaja branches and, by formalising the relevant service contract for remote banking, by the latter, as well as an unlimited number of operations related to the rest of services linked to the Basic Payment Account, without commissions being attracted due to such payment operations other than the maintenance commission stated above.


Each one of the payment operations consisting of standing orders and transfers, including those performed by permanent orders that exceed the limit stated in the preceding paragraph shall attract at least the average commissions or expenses applied by the bank for each operation.

With regard to cash withdrawal on debit by card at automatic tellers, the bank may apply the commissions or expenses that must be paid to a third-party bank to the client as a consequence of the terms foreseen in additional provision two of Royal Decree Act 19/2018, of 23rd November, on payment services and urgent measures in financial matters.

Special scheme for people in a situation of vulnerability or at risk of financial exclusion

Free Basic Payment Account scheme for people in a situation of vulnerability or at risk of financial exclusion.


Unicaja cannot require payment of an account maintenance fee where all the Basic Payment Account's holders are in a special situation of vulnerability or at risk of financial exclusion, can duly prove said situations and Unicaja acknowledges such situations according to the provisions set forth in Royal Decree 164/2019 of 22 March establishing a free basic payment account scheme to benefit people in a situation of vulnerability or at risk of financial exclusion. This free scheme shall be subject to periodic reviews pursuant to said legislation.


In this regard, all the holders must meet the following requirements during the entire time they intend to benefit from the free scheme:


a) Gross economic income per family unit calculated on an annual basis may not exceed the following thresholds:


1.º In the case of people who do not form part of any family unit, thrice the Public Income Indicator for Multiple Purposes for twelve payments in force at the time the application is filed.

2.º In the case of people who form part of any kind of family unit made up of less than four members, three and a half times said indicator.

3.º In the case of family units made up of four or more members or which are recognised as a numerous family according to prevailing legislation, four times said indicator.

4.º In the case of family units having a person suffering from a disability equivalent to or exceeding 33 per cent, as officially recognised by a resolution issued by the Institute for the Elderly and Social Services or by the competent agency of the regional authorities, four times said indicator.


b) No members who make up the family unit may hold any direct or indirect titles of ownership or rights in rem on any real property, apart from the main residence, or be the actual owners of any companies.


c) Is a victim of trafficking or sexual exploitation, in which case they will be exempt from meeting the requirements of sections a) and b)


* In order to determine the concept of "family unit" in its various forms, the provisions set forth in Article 82 of Act 35/2006 of 28 November on Personal Income Tax and partially amending the Corporation Tax, Non-Residents' Income Tax and Wealth Tax Acts shall apply, though for the purposes set forth in the aforementioned Royal Decree 164/2019, civil partnerships formed in accordance with the legal requirements that apply to them shall be dealt with in the same way as spouses who are not legally separated.


Necessary documents


The following information on all the people who make up the family unit must be filed:

a) Number of people who make up the family unit, which shall be proven by filing the family register or a document proving registration as a civil partnership.

b) Income received by the family unit's members, which shall be proven by each of its members filing any of the following documents:


1.º Certificate of income and, where appropriate, certificate of having filed a Wealth Tax return referring to the last fiscal year issued by the State Tax Administration Agency or by the regional authority's competent agency.

2.º Last three pay slips received.

3.º Certificate issued by the unemployment benefits or subsidies agency, indicating the monthly amount received for said items.

4.º Certificate proving social income, minimum income for integration or any similar social assistance aid granted by regional and local authorities.

5.º In the case of self-employed workers, certificate issued by the management agency, indicating the monthly amount received if the applicant is receiving cessation of trading benefit.


Where the aforementioned documents are unavailable, a report must be filed indicating the family unit's composition or justifying its suitability for access to a free basic payment account, as appropriate. This report must be issued by the social services of the local authority where the applicant is registered. In the case of being a victim of trafficking or sexual exploitation, it may be accredited through the unified accreditation model issued by social services or an entity specialized in the matter.


The applicant shall be given written notice of the free Basic Payment Account's approval or denial at no charge within a maximum time limit of thirty days as from the date the documents containing the aforementioned information have been filed by the applicant. If said time limit elapses without Unicaja having given the applicant notice thereof, the free basic account shall be deemed to have been approved.


Duration of the free Basic Payment Account


The free Basic Payment Account shall be maintained for a two-year period as from the date its approval comes into force, unless the institution is able to prove that the customer is no longer part of a vulnerable group or at risk of financial exclusion. The free Basic Payment Account shall be extended for successive two-year periods if it is proven within the time limits set forth that the situation of special vulnerability or risk of financial exclusion persists. If it has been impossible to obtain the information required from the customer or it turns out that any of the circumstances required are not met after the renewal of information application is filed, the customer shall lose entitlement to the free Basic Payment Account.


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